5th Meetings of the Conference

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1400/2/25 | 
The Last International Pre-Conference of Digital Content Management Held
The fifth and the final pre-conference of Digital Content Management held on Thursday highlighting “Digital Content Management with An Approach to Knowledge Management and Transformation”. Sudha Jamthe (IoT specialist and teacher at Stanford continuing Studies Center), Santos Shekar (Oman Oil and Gas Industry Knowledge Management Specialist), and Milad Padidarfard (Expert in Project Management and co-founder of the business data-driven management group) were the speakers of this meeting took place on 16 May 2021.
This pre-conference was organized by Scientific Association of Knowledge and Information Science of Tarbiat Modares University and Scientific Association of Knowledge and Information Science of Allameh Tabata’i University and supported by Iranian Public Libraries Advancement Association and Management Research Center Affiliated to Tarbiat Modares University. About forty people attended the session.
Sudha Jamthe began the session discussing “Digitizing autonomous Vehicle with Data and Digital Content”. Mentioning the definition of Digital Content, she said: “autonomous cars work with IoT. Their platform is like Uber that means it can work automatically. A technological package called Car Digitization is located in these cars that works like GPS and is connected to cloud system. This technology use information.” She ended her lecture, adding some explanation about GPS, sensors, remote controlling for cars and applications, and evolution of car digitization.
Santosh Shekar was the second speaker of the session. The topic he covered was “How knowledge management standards could accelerate organizational knowledge management: A content approach.” He specifically talked about Knowledge Constraints and Information Management in Knowledge Management Standards. Then he elaborated on 30401 Standard which aims to help the enterprises to design an information system to facilitate the value creation of the organizations. He concluded his speech by making an example of health record system in hospitals which is an informal example of the organizations’ knowledge.
The last speaker, Milad Padidarfard had his speech concerning Digitization and Knowledge Management. He said: “I started my career with project management in construction industry. then I moved to other industries like production and software industry. Gradually I got interested in KM and tried to made an impact in this field”. He then added a quote from Satya Nadella, chief executive officer of Microsoft, who has recently said:  Since the beginning of COVID-19, We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.”  Padidarfard stated that Satya’s remark shows that during this pandemic life has greatly changed and digital evolution was able to transform the society and the economy. He then discussed the value creation in knowledge driven economy and in The Genealogy of Knowledge and mentioned some of innovative approaches in digital knowledge management such as: 1- access to knowledge and knowledge services 2-searching semantic technology knowledge 3- knowledge retrieval with digital knowledge graph 4- cloud knowledge management / knowledge as a service 5-knowledge management in digital workspaces and 6- acquiring knowledge from people, virtual assistants , and machine learning. In the end of his speech, he introduced some sources for further reading.  The books are listed below:
  • Knowledge management in digital change
  • Digital transformation and knowledge management
  • Knowledge management process in standard 6th edition -2017 PMBOK,30401 ISO international standard and knowledge management studies, knowledge management case studies.

دفعات مشاهده: 1713 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 451 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 0 بار   |   0 نظر