Briefing the pre Conference Meetings (1 & 4) Briefing the pre Conference Meetings on the International Conference on Digital Content Management (1 & 4)

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1400/2/22 | 
The 4th international pre-conference of Digital Content Management to be held on April 29th 2021 from 10:00 A.M to 01:00 P.M.
The 4th international pre-conference of Digital Content Management will take place in two sessions with AI and IoT usage in Digital Content Management as the main theme. in this session Sudha Jamthe, Artificial Intelligence and IoT Instructor at Stanford Continuing Studies, as the first speaker will highlight the digitization of autonomous cars with the help of digital contents and data. Dr. Tahereh Saheb, faculty member of management studies center of Tarbiat Modares University is another speaker of the session Who is going to discuss the ethical artificial intelligence using a bibliographic analysis. The third speaker, Mohammad Kadkhoda, university instructor, knowledge and smart systems researcher will present his lecture about Enterprise Content Management form a knowledge management perspective. Manpreet Budhraja, data engineer in national institute of technology in India, is expected to talk of how natural language processing improves Digital Content Management. This session is organized by Tarbiat Modares University and Allameh Tabata’i University.
The 1st international pre-conference of Digital Content Management held from 11:00 A.M to 01:00 P.M on 8, April 2021.
Data driven management in digital age was the main topic of the 1st international pre-conference of Digital Content Management. Dr. Mostafa Amini, post-doctoral researcher at Tarbiat Modares University and Amin Khodamardi, P.hD candidate of computer engineering and information systems at Uninova University, Portugal were the speakers of this pre-conference
This event was organized by the Scientific Association of Knowledge and Information Science of Tarbiat Modares University, Scientific Association of Knowledge and Information Science of Allameh Tabata’i University, Iranian Library and Information Science Scientific Association, Iran Public Library Advancement Association (IPLA), and Management Studies Center of Tarbiat Modarse University. A population of 65 people attended the pre-conference.
D.r Amini as the first speaker started his talk pointing to data importance in digital business. “most of the institutions dealing with information technology, information governance, and digital transformation have to turn their attention to data principles” he stated.
“Two significant approaches for transformation of data driven businesses are operating and operation models” he added. Operating model is a model which is related to data transformation topic. In this approach data transformation concept is considered as a solution for business intelligence. For instance, there are experts like IT experts, who deal with data. The second model that is the operation model helps the team of managers to lead their teams based on this model.
Another perspective to see data transformation is through Change Management. Those who peruse improvement of data management in their businesses takes this perspective into consideration. In this situation, data transformation is defined as duly Change Management in doing the tasks in the organization.
Pointing out to the types of operating models, he said there are at least four kinds of operating models which can be used for standardizing and integrating business processes:
  • Diversification operating model
  • coordination operating model
  • replication operating model
  • unification operating model
the operating models based on DAMA institution that is called distributed and network operating model was fully discussed.
Dr. Amin Khodamardi in the second part of the session talked about data mining in social media. Presenting the significance of the role of social media in new era, he added “there are few people not using social media these days, most of the people share their personal information via social media. In the last decade, people’s reaction towards AI used to be cautious. They thought that one day robots will replace human but this didn’t happen. However, it can be definitely said that social networks have gained people’s satisfaction so that people easily give their information to social media to manage it for them.
He also elaborated the new roles of social networks like Twitter and Wikipedia. Specifying Wikipedia, he said “it also can be a social media. Because knowledge in this network can be shared and people can use its contents and edit it everywhere. It also helps the readers and the authors to transfer their knowledge”. Acquiring users’ data and using it for providing services for them is another hot topic these days. He focused on Digital Marketing through social media and said “information security and users’ data management are important topics. The business owners must know the users and customize their services based on this knowledge. The owners also should gain users confidence about protecting users’ data”.
In the end of the meeting, the audience posed their questions about ways of managing data in digital transformation age, essential skills for managing it, and the roles of performance key indicators in digital marketing. The pre-conference finished at 01:00 P.M.
Reporter: Maryam Moghadami, PhD candidate of Knowledge Management, Tehran University.
Keynote speakers of the International Conference on Digital Content Management released.
Download full program
Iranian Scientific centers and Universities speakers in The International Conference on Digital Content Management released.
For participating in the conference and receiving the certificate, you should register.
To register for the conference, click here.
International Conference on Digital Content Management lectures schedule.
International Conference on Digital Content Management will be held on May, 17 2021 Online. This conference is jointly organized by Scientific Association of Knowledge and Information Science of Tarbiat Modares University and that of Allameh Tabata’i University.
This event will be taking place on Monday from 8:00 A.M to 8:00 P.M with six sessions and one closing session.
For more information about the conference speakers, see the schedule below.
To register for the conference, click here.
3rd international pre-conference of Digital Content Management held.
This pre-conference was held concentrating on Digital Content Delivery. Professor K.P Singh (Delhi University) and Mr. Davoud Masoumi (Gävle University) were the speakers of this event taking place on Thursday 22, April from 11:00 A.M to 01:00 P.M organized by Scientific Association of Tarbiat Moadares University and that of Allameh Tabataba’I. it is also supported by Iran Public Library Advancement Association (IPLA) and Iran Library and Information Science Association (ILISA) with a population of 68 people including students and professors virtually. This session began with professor K.P Singh speech On Content Management in Information Centers: Opportunities and Challenges. Pointing to the significance of digital content delivery, he added: “one of the main domains in digital content management is content delivery which is the heart of this conference. content is instantly available and especially in today's environment, where the digital content will be delivered in the most comfortable and most readable format.” He reminded that library professionals worldwide are responsible for managing these contents. From his point of view digital contents leads to plenty opportunities and challenges for libraries and information centers. Then he expressed his own experience in this field. In the end he finished his speech pointing out to open world concepts and the significance of free learning, library’s role in acquiring information resources such as MOOCS.
Dr Davoud Masoumi, Gävle University faculty member, started his speech elaborating on educational content management: learning analytics. First, he mentioned types of produced contents then he had his remark about how the content is delivered to the readers and learners. In short, he mainly analyzed the learning process. He said “one of the definitions presented about learning analytics is measuring, collection, dividing, analyzing and reporting data about learners and their backgrounds for better understanding and optimizing learning and environments in which learning occurs. Therefore, analyzing the data about learning environments needs special attention. Using static and dynamic information about learners and learning environments, evaluating, choosing, dividing, and analyzing this environment for modelling, anticipating and optimizing learning processes, learning environment and decision making in education where amongst the general outlines which he reminded.
At the end of the meeting, the questions asked by the audiences on the topic of educational open resources, new roles of librarians in digital content management, measures taken by Indian libraries in DCM, learning analytics, and Sweden experiences of the topic were answered. The meeting finished at 01:00 P.M.

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