Mohammad Hassanzadeh A word from the Chair of the Scientific Committee

 | Post date: 2020/12/6 | 

A word from the Chair of the Scientific Committee

Dear Scientists, Researchers and practitioners;
Digital transformation is no longer an option but a necessity. Simultaneously with the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, citizens' inclination towards digital spaces and the use of digital media has increased. At the same time, the creation and dissemination of information in digital formats has increased dramatically. The development of the production, publication and use of digital content has made its proper and advanced management inevitable.
So far, experts from various academic disciplines and from various industries have played a role in digital content management. Information professionals have sought to provide efficient frameworks, standards, and applications. Experts in computer science, both engineering and as soon as they solve problems related to automation and intelligence, have put it on the agenda of their studies.
Business professionals have looked at the products of the digital world from the perspective of commercialization and market development. Legal, human, psychological, sociological, even historical issues have each provided a place for different related disciplines. This wide range of collaborations has made digital content management a common agenda. Digital humanity is no longer a concept and an idea, but a reality of the present age.
Digital content management calls on all specialties to find solutions to its growing challenges from a variety of perspectives. As those interested in the concept and application of digital content management, we believe that research in the field of digital content should be developed and international cooperation in this field should be accelerated. For this reason, in cooperation with Tarbiat Modares University and Allameh Tabatabaii University, we are striving organize The international conference on digital content management in early 2021.
As the chair of the scientific committee, I appreciate The Scientific-Student Associations of Knowledge and Information Science of the two universities and invite all researchers, experts, scholars and practitioners to join us by submitting their papers, ideas, and best practices to our conference. I believe that this event will be not a single conference but a starting point for wide-ranging cooperation and ongoing events.
Wishing you health and hope to meet you at the conference
Mohammad Hassanzadeh
Chair of the scientific committee
Professor, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

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